
Beam image-shift accelerated data acquisition for near-atomic resolution single-particle cryo-electron tomography

Published in Nature Communications, 2021

Tomographic reconstructions of cryopreserved specimens enable in-situ structural studies. Here, the authors present the beam image-shift electron cryo-tomography (BISECT) approach that accelerates data collection speed and improves the map resolution compared to earlier approaches and present the in vitro structure of a 300 kDa protein complex that was solved at 3.6 Å resolution as a test case.

Recommended citation: Bouvette, J.*, Liu, H.*, Du, X., Zhou, Y., Sikkema, A.P., Mello, J.F.R., Klemm, B.P., Huang, R., Schaaper, R.M., Borgnia, M.J. & Bartesaghi, A. (2021). "Beam image-shift accelerated data acquisition for near-atomic resolution single-particle cryo-electron tomography." Nat. Commun., 12(1957).

Correlation Between Charge Transport and Base Excision Repair in the MutY DNA Glycosylase

Published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021

We analyzed the dominant charge transfer (CT) pathways in the base excision repair glycosylase MutY using molecular dynamics simulations and hole hopping pathway analysis.

Recommended citation: Teo, R., Du, X., Vera, H., Migliore, A. & Beratan, D. (2021). "Correlation Between Charge Transport and Base Excision Repair in the MutY DNA Glycosylase." J. Phys. Chem. B, 125(1), 17.

MatD3: A Database and Online Presentation Package for Research Data Supporting Materials Discovery, Design, and Dissemination

Published in The Journal of Open Source Software, 2020

MatD3 is an open-source, dedicated database and web application framework designed to store, curate and disseminate experimental and theoretical materials data generated by indi- vidual research groups or research consortia.

Recommended citation: Laasner, R., Du, X., Tanikanti, A., Clayton, C., Govoni, M., Galli, G., Ropo, M. & Blum, V. (2020). "MatD3: A Database and Online Presentation Package for Research Data Supporting Materials Discovery, Design, and Dissemination." Journal of Open Source Software, 5(45), 1945.

* denotes equal contribution